Got information on Bob Cox? SEND IT!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cox Now Thinks He Rules The Internet

someone out there appears to have wized up to the evil one.

A great site called Making Light has a great roundup on Cox.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Now's Our Chance!

Olbermann Watch has opened up the comments section and supposedly the evil one will allow pro-KO commenters to register.

I don't know if I have the stomach for becoming a commenter but I am going to think about.

I hate to say it but GO HERE to register if can take it.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Olbermann Watch Shows True Colors with Commenter Ban

If you listed to the inmates running the asylum over at ow they will well you that they put in their new comment registration system to weed out trolls but the reality is quite obvious - they've only allowed ONE commenter to register who will dare criticize them and even that commenter "MikeH" is so inept at making an argument that it raises the very real possibility that MikeH is not even a real person but just a sock puppet created by ow to create the appearance of a progressive point of view on the site probably taking their cue from Alan Colmes on foxnoise. Here at wow we have REAL freedom of speech where the fascists are free to spout their nonsense, all the better to show just what kind of people these wingnuts really are.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Tip Jar Time: Daily Kos Exposes Olbermann Watch!

Kevin Holsinger at Daily Kos has a brilliant diary which warns Keith of something we've known for a long time - that Cox is like Captain Ahab stalking Keith like an obsessive maniac. Great piece!

OW Flogs Bogus Tax Story

The disgraceful Rupert Murdoch has joined forces with the jerks at Olbermann Watch to go after Keith on a ridiculous "tax warrant" story because Keith owes $2,000 for an old tax bill. Give me a break. And they managed to dupe Huffington Post to running the story too. Good grief.